from quilts to costumes

Life has a way of keeping us on our toes, doesn't it? Lately, my quilting and drawing endeavors have taken a backseat, but that doesn't mean I haven’t been creating. Oh no, quite the opposite! I've been delving into the realm of costume creation, channeling my creative energy in a different direction.

This past weekend, our oldest son took the stage as Lumiere in his Middle School's production of Beauty and the Beast. The proud parent in me couldn't resist the opportunity to contribute. I happily volunteered to design and craft costumes, lend a hand with props, and support the entire production.

For the past month, our home transformed into a workshop adorned with candles, cups, plates, and pendulums—a true reflection of the magical world unfolding on stage. It's been a joyous whirlwind of sewing, constructing, and painting, all in pursuit of bringing characters to life. Seeing the excitement on our son's face as he wears his Lumiere ensemble brings immeasurable satisfaction—his happiness is truly what matters most.

My amazing Mother-in-Law helped me by sewing the gold fabric into pants and vest for me- Sewing clothing has always made me feel a tad uneasy, but with her assistance, we achieved perfection. I embellished a jacket that we purchased, and crafted all of his intricate candles accessories. The process was not without its challenges, but the end result was fun and totally worth every ounce of effort.


finding balance- embracing realities and appreciating support


it’s moving time