summer sewing: keeping sane with my epp hexie flower kit

With summer just around the corner, I’m getting my EPP Hexie Flower Sewing kit ready for all the sunny days ahead. There’s something about cutting hexagons, pulling fabric, and stitching blocks that just makes me happy. Plus, having a portable project to bring along on all our summer adventures is a must!

Hand sewing has become my little escape amidst the chaos of chauffeuring the kids around and keeping up with family commitments. The best part? Hand sewing is super portable, especially when I don't have much time to sit at my sewing machine during the summer. Whether I’m lounging at the beach, waiting at the kids’ activities, or just chilling in the backyard by the pool, my EPP Hexie Flower project is always by my side, ready for a few stitches.

I absolutely love picking out fabric for each block. It's like getting to complete a mini fabric pull for each one, and it never gets old.

Do you have anything that keeps you sane during the summer months when your schedule may be not as regular? I’d love to hear what you’re working on.


fabric pull friday- travel edition

